I empower people to heal and thrive through self regulation enhancing thier overall quality of life, business impact, performance, and peace.
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I’m a Sagittarius, born in South Florida and raised in a rather dysfunctional family. I’m the oldest of 4 so leadership has been innate in me for as long as I can remember. In midst of the chaos in my family, I never felt seen, life was hectic to say the least and we operated in a state of urgency and negativity. I didn’t understand any of this until decades later.

I went to San Diego State and studied Economics and Spanish. I was eager to get to work so immediately after graduation (like the next weekend) I got married, bought a house and started a finance job at McDonald’s West Coast Division Headquarters. I thought that’s what you were supposed to do to be happy… it turned out that wasn’t it.

I moved on from McDonald’s to work for a publicly traded real estate investment trust managing hundreds of millions of dollars in capital projects, bought a bigger house, and then another one, because… more stuff makes you happier right!? Before long I was in crisis. The partner I chose embodied the same toxic traits I grew up with, the job I had didn’t fulfill any purpose in my soul, I didn’t know how to self regulate, I didn’t know how to speak my truth and I had no sense of self. My health was completely failing and I felt empty. I was 25 when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease.

By 29 I was divorced and in the process of bankruptcy. I was searching for a feeling of wholeness so I looked for it outside myself, which turned out to be the worst thing I could have done but also the best lesson I could have learned. The pain, shame and overwhelm that I experienced called me to ask the deepest and most important questions of my life. Do I love myself? How did I get here? How do I find peace? At the same time my youngest sister was battling a serious drug addiction, my parents dysfunctional relationship was finally ending and we were experiencing the great recession and debt crisis of 2008/2009. It was a very challenging time in my life but also exactly what I needed.

This became the initiation of my spiritual awakening. I have since spent thousands of hours studying, practicing and teaching about self regulation, yoga, spiritual development, empowerment, acceptance, shadow work, letting go, heart intelligence, interoception, co-regulation, nonviolent communication, meditation, sound healing, quantum biology and other forms of what is commonly known as biohacking.

I healed the autoimmune disease, all my relationships and built a business that connected my soul’s purpose to real impact. At Red Diamond Yoga I served close to 40,000 students. After I sold it, the new owner has continued to grow the brand and it remains a legacy I am extremely proud of. My life now is one of grace and gratitude. Even though life is never perfect, I have the deepest level of joy and love in my heart for this epic journey on earth. I know that everything is a reflection of the unconscious and that we truly attract our experiences which have one purpose, to show up and teach us about love. The work that I do is made up of all the things I wish I understood before I woke up to these truths to support others on their journey. I believe we are here to play a game and I’m interested in playing the most epic game I can while being of service and trusting the process.

Let's work together!


Unique Topics I teach, study and practice

Connecting Hearts: Testimonials Speak

Ken Cruse

CEO Soul Community Planet

Laura Rodarte

Spring 2024 Health Reset Participant

Greg Palmer

Chairman & CEO Supplemental Health Care

V. Paige Smith

Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth

David Salguero

Co-founder & Managing Director of DREXLS / Yoga Enthusiast

Robert A. Ring

Partner, Ring & Green APC

Nikki Dror


Kim B.

Meagan Hurst

Owner | Malas With A Mission

Tori Press

Graphic Designer, Mom, Yoga Enthusiast

Jack Dufour

International Yoga Teacher

Jenia Gorton

Senior Vice President of International Sales at Sierra-Affinity, Yoga Enthusaist

Ashley Galvin

International Yoga Teacher and Social Media Influencer

Brittney Walker

Yoga Enthusiast

Stacy Mcneal

Pilates Instructor, Mom, Yoga Enthusiast

Jennifer Song

Executive at Sony Pictures, Yoga Enthusiast

Katrina Hill

Yoga Teacher

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