Transcending Limits Workbook – ebook



In Transcending Limits, Sheryl Utal, a seasoned expert in personal development, the hero’s journey and spiritual growth, invites you on a transformative journey towards a life of abundance, purpose, and fulfillment. Drawing from a wealth of personal experiences and professional expertise, Sheryl offers a practical roadmap to help you navigate the hero’s journey, shadow work, magnetism, quantum biology, the law of attraction, understand your triggers and create an intentional vision for your future.

Transcending Limits is not just another self-help book; it’s a spiritual awakening rooted in the science of Psycho Neuro Endocrine Immunology (PNEI). PNEI is a scientifically based approach that explores how the energy of our lives, our environment, our words, and our thoughts affect not only our health but also everything we attract into our experience.

This guide combines practical exercises with a planner format, allowing you to actively engage in your own transformation. With Sheryl as your compassionate and knowledgeable companion, you’ll learn how to:

  • Think Electrically: Understand the metaphysical relationship we have to the universe
  • Cultivate self-awareness: Gain deep insights into your subconscious mind, allowing you to make intentional choices that align with your true self.
  • Clarify your vision: Create a compelling life vision that resonates with your heart’s deepest desires, igniting your passion and purpose.
  • Understand Obstacles: Learn to recognize what stands in your way of evolution.
  • Recognize Your Triggers: Feel deeply embodied in your being so that you are highly attuned to what feels in alignment for you and what doesn’t.

This book is all about understanding patterns, beliefs, and magnetism. It offers proven techniques that not only help you overcome limitations but also expand your horizons, unlocking your full potential in every aspect of life.

Whether you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or powerless, Transcending Limits provides the tools and guidance you need to transcend these challenges and discover your soul’s purpose. It’s time to break free from the status quo, awaken your potential, and embark on a journey of spiritual and material abundance.

If you’re ready to embrace a life filled with passion, purpose, and prosperity, this book is your gateway to transformation.

Sheryl invites you to join countless others who have already experienced the power of higher consciousness, vision, and abundance. Your future self is watching you, don’t play small. Start now.


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Transcending Limits Workbook – ebook
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